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BLOG | Ester
Se regula el uso de los áridos reciclados

Se regula el uso de los áridos reciclados

Se regula el uso del 5% de áridos reciclados en obra pública y privada La Ley 5/2020, de 29 de abril es la que regula el uso del 5% de áridos reciclados en obra pública y privada y la orden que establece sus requisitos de utilización se encuentra en fase de...
We Present the New Sacos Marrones App

We Present the New Sacos Marrones App

Sacos Marrones presents it new app, specially created so that our clients can request collection of their sacks more conveniently, for free and WITHOUT WAITING ON THE PHONE. The app is available for iOS and Android and, with just a few clicks, it lets you request...
Transportes Ester is Launching Its New Website

Transportes Ester is Launching Its New Website

And on our new website, we want to reflect our main goal: that our clients feel well treated because we especially want to communicate proximity by responding quickly and providing personalized attention to your needs. Sacos Marrones is a benchmark in...
We are an Environmentally Sensitive Company

We are an Environmentally Sensitive Company

Transportes Ester has shown its commitment to the environment by setting the goal of certifying its waste-management system with the ISO 14001:02 certification, under certification number MA-0098/02 and its entire process of waste collection and management has been...

Management of COVID-19 PPE

Due to the health care alert caused by COVID-19, all companies must take preventive measures, such as giving their employees special PPE to prevent spreading the disease. At the end of its working life, this PPE can be disposed of as normal waste (Ler 200301). In the...

We increase our radius of action with containers

In order to provide service to more clients, Transportes Ester has increased the radius of action of its container service. We have added 12 new towns in the Vallès Oriental and Garraf areas. This is in addition to the many points of operation where we already provide...
We Present the New Sacos Marrones App

Presentem la nova APP de Sacos Marrones

Sacos Marrones presenta la nova APP creada perquè els nostres clients puguin sol·licitar més còmodament la recollida dels sacs, de manera gratuïta i SENSE ESPERES TELEFÒNIQUES. Ja disponible en iOS i Android permet, amb només un parell de clics, sol·licitar la...
Transportes Ester is Launching Its New Website

A Transportes Ester llancem la nova pàgina web

En la qual hem volgut reflectir el nostre principal objectiu: que els clients se sentin ben tractats perquè ens motiva, sobretot, transmetre proximitat en donar-ls-hi resposta amb agilitat i amb atenció personalitzada a les seves necessitats. Sacos Marrones és...